OKR x SCRUM Workflow
Understanding the OKR Barcamp
- The OKR Barcamp is a team event (designed for a max. of 12 people) where the groundwork for the next three months is laid out, making it a crucial phase in our OKR cycle.
- In this event, every team member presents the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) they've prepared between the OKR Briefing and the Barcamp.
- The purpose of the Barcamp is to agree on Objectives that will guide us in which direction we want to develop the company in the next quarter.
- Following this, we collectively decide on the Key Results that we want to achieve, which will serve to measure our progress towards the realization of the Objectives.
- Every Key Result gets a dedicated Owner who is responsible for its achievement, manages User Stories in the backlog and sprints, and ensures they meet their Definition of Done.
- When it comes to choosing our OKRs, there are several guiding principles or "Hygiene Factors":
- OKRs are defined by consensus.
- There's a maximum of four Objectives per quarter.
- A maximum of five Key Results per Objective.
- Unachieved Key Results continue into the next OKR quarter if they are still important.
Executing the OKR Barcamp - max. 8h
1. Pitching & Assigning Prepared Objectives
- Team members present their individually or team-prepared Objectives to the entire team using sticky notes, keeping each presentation within a time limit of 7 minutes.
- Similar Objectives are arranged side by side, identical ones underneath each other, to cluster common objectives.
- Post-presentation, a 10-minute Q&A session takes place for clarifications and objective-challenging, influencing the upcoming voting decision. Key challenge criteria include:
- Prioritization: Do we choose the right time to pursue the objective?
- Impact: What's the potential impact on our company?
- Feasibility: Is the objective achievable by the end of the quarter?
2. Voting for Objective Clusters
Each team member has a fixed number of votes to choose what they perceive as the most important goals for the upcoming quarter.
- Voting is conducted without discussion.
- Votes are for clusters, not individual Objectives.
- Votes for clusters containing personal Objectives are allowed.
- Multiple votes for a single cluster are allowed.
💡 If the allocation of votes per team member is unclear, grant each team member an amount equal to 50% of the total available objective clusters.
Goal: At the end of the voting, a maximum of 4 objective clusters are selected. These clusters with the most votes become the goals we aim to achieve by the quarter's end.
3. Phrasing Cluster Objectives
- An overarching Objective that comes closest to this intention is formulated for each cluster or chosen from the existing cluster and noted beneath it.
💡 No need to have a long discussion to choose the perfect formulation. The focus is to encapsulate the goals of the cluster effectively. Fine-tuning the objective can be done after the barcamp if needed.